best cannabis soil mix

best cannabis soil mix

Substrates offer a natural environment for live organisms to thrive under the soil. Substrates are all around us and are a vital element in healthy plant growth.  help hold onto water and provide various nutrients. Substrates have a positive effect on the plant's yield, whether it be a fruit, veggie, or a cannabis plant. Cannabis substrate is usually a mix of black and blonde peat fibrous peat, tree bark, coconut fibre, worm humus, or perlite in a combination that creates a super soil for cannabis growers. He recommends growers PH balance everything that goes into the soil. Mix water with plant food then get a PH reading with a PH pen, and adjust the PH. Soil is a mix of different compounds that humans have been using for centuries to improve their crops. In this case, seeing as we are talking about the best soils for growing marijuana we are going to look for compositions that cover this type of plants’ needs so they can develop fully and healthy.